
Palestinian president’s speech at UN vital for peace: spokesman

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १० बुधवार



26 Sept, RAMALLAH- The upcoming speech by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the UN General Assembly may be the last chance to realize peace, Abbas’ spokesman said Tuesday.
“The speech by President Mahmoud Abbas at the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday represents a crossroad and paves the way for a new stage in handling the serious challenges facing our people,” Nabil Abu Rudeineh was quoted by the official Palestinian news agency WAFA as saying in a statement.
He said Abbas’ speech will outline a comprehensive national strategy “that will leave a profound impact on events in the region and in the world.”
Abu Rudeineh slammed the upcoming U.S. peace plan for the middle east, known as Deal of the Century, saying “there is no legitimacy to any deals, decisions or actions rejected by our people and their legitimate national leadership.”
The spokesman also stressed that “the legitimate Palestinian leadership headed by Abbas will continue to reject dubious deals.”
The Palestinians have boycotted the U.S. administration under President Donald Trump since it recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last December and moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to the disputed holy city in May.
The last round of the U.S. sponsored Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in April 2014, after nine months of negotiations. Enditem

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १० बुधवार ०९:०१ मा प्रकाशित

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