
CC camera installed to check customs erring

वि.सं.२०७५ पुस १८ बुधवार



2 Jan, Rasuwa –     In a bid to avert possible illegal activities in the customs sector, a CC camera has been set up on the premises of Rasuwa Customs Office Timure.

According to Chief Customs Officer Punya Bikram Khadka, the installation of CC camera would help increase vigilance on the screening of goods being imported from Kerung, China as well as check unlawful supply.
Additional monitoring has been mechanized by setting up CC camera from goods screening site to Ghattekhola of Timure.
Khadka said that the initiative would help check potential leakages in the customs and bring reforms in the sector.
In addition, the arrangement of Armed Police Battalion has also helped consolidate security situation and supported revenue patrol. –

वि.सं.२०७५ पुस १८ बुधवार १०:०९ मा प्रकाशित

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