
October Revolution remembered

वि.सं.२०७४ कात्तिक २२ बुधवार



 Nov 8, Kathmandu (RSS): During a programme organized by Nepal Alternative Study Society on the occasion of the ‘A Centenary of the October Revolution’, speakers said socialism is possible in Nepal. They however said clarity in policy level among the communist parties of Nepal was imperative for this.

Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Alternative Study Society, Professor Pitambar Sharma said south Asian countries could learn a lot from China’s achievement in the socialism. The effect of federalism would invite challenges to Nepal, he added.

Professor at JNU, Prabhat Patnayak, said the October Revolution was significant thought not only for a country but for all others. However, its practice must be wise, he stressed. According to him, socialism for developing could be very significant.
Similarly, a Chinese Professor showed concern that there was no uniformity in the policy level among Nepali communists, which needs due address.

Another Chinese Professor said Nepal had huge potential of development. Proper use of resources could help bring chance, he added.

Senior journalist from India, Anand Swaroop Verma, said there has been continuous clash between the capitalism and socialism till date. He opined that the South Asian country could accelerate development by adopting the socialism.

Chairman of the Society, Dr Mahesh Maskey, said the three-day seminar on the topic would help whet discourse.
The programme was attended by UML leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, former Deputy Prime Minister Chitra Bahadur KC and former ambassadors and others. More than two dozens of experts from Nepal, China and India are taking part in the conference.

वि.सं.२०७४ कात्तिक २२ बुधवार १५:१९ मा प्रकाशित

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