
President Women Upliftment Programme in force since current fiscal

वि.सं.२०७३ माघ १२ बुधवार



25 Jan,Kathmandu: The government has implemented the ‘President Women Upliftment Programme’ that aims to support the capacity enhancement of women excluded from the mainstream of social, economic and political developments. The programme that is targeted toward the uplift of the women pushed backward in the society is in force since the current fiscal year.

According to Dorendra Niraula, Information Officer at the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, the programme was implemented with a view to providing job-oriented skills to women from the dalit, backward and ethnic communities along with enhancing their capacity.
The Ministry hopes the programme would help boost up the capacity of women who are excluded from the social and economic advantages and from the participation in politics. The Ministry has allocated Rs 99.8 million to its implementing wing – Department of Women and Child to run the programme.
Some Rs 55 million is allocated to thirty districts including Bajura, Mugu, Rautahat, Dolpa, Humla and Jumla which are behind in the Human Development Index. Likewise, Rs 20 million has been released to implement programmes targeted at the women community involving in formal labour.
Similarly, Rs 10 million has been released to establish an emergency service center. Interaction programmes, marketing of goods produced by the women cooperatives are also the parts of the programme.

वि.सं.२०७३ माघ १२ बुधवार ०९:४८ मा प्रकाशित

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