
Local body employees of Mahottari protest over ‘manhandling’ of fellow worker

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १९ शुक्रवार



5 Oct, Bardibas, Mahottari-Local body employees of Mahottari have taken to the streets disturbing office work at 10 municipalities and five rural municipalities in the district.
The agitators have said they were forced to resort to the protest over ‘the manhandling’ of Pawan Kumar Adhikari, an accounts officer at Bhangaha Municipality, by the mayor.
The mayor Sanjib Kumar Sah on September 26 manhandled Adhikari at office for no apparent reason, said Saji Sharan Yadav, chairperson of the Trade Union, Mahottari leading the agitation. “We chose the path of protest after the District Administration Office did not heed our call to take action against the guilty,” he said.
Chief District Officer Umesh Kumar Dhakal however said the due initiatives have been taken to take action against the guilty.

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १९ शुक्रवार १७:४० मा प्रकाशित

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