
Absence of banking outlets forces two days’ walk on foot to district headquarters

वि.सं.२०७४ भदौ २५ आइतवार



10 Sept, Solukhumbu : The residents, government employees and the elected representatives here at eight local levels are forced to head to district headquarters to tend to their financial matters due to lack of banks.

Likhupike rural municipality’s Chief, Dambar Bahadur Basnet, said they have to walk on foot for two days to reach the downtown to resolve their financial matters. The residents based here have opened savings accounts in the banks located in the downtown and they are compelled to walk for two days to oversee economic transactions.

Four banks including the Rastriya Banijya Bank, Agriculture Development Bank and two private banks are located in Dudhkunda municipality, where the district headquarters is based. The Namche area of Pasang Lhamu rural municipality can, however, boast of a RBB branch office, which still remains unreachable for many.

The residents in the other six rural municipalities do not have a bank to open their savings accounts. The fact goes against the government announcement made more than a month ago with a pledge to open up banking outlets in all the rural municipalities.

Mahakulung rural municipality’s Chief, Sagar Kirati, said efforts were underway to persuade the reluctant banks to open branches in the rural localities.

वि.सं.२०७४ भदौ २५ आइतवार ०५:३२ मा प्रकाशित

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