
Dearth of essential medicines hits district hospital

वि.सं.२०७३ कात्तिक १४ आइतवार



Phalebash (Parbat): The Parbat District Hospital is facing an acute shortage of essential medicinal supplies for the past one month forcing the patients towards the receiving end of the outrageous shortfall.

The cetamol tablets used in minor fever, metronidazole used to counter diarrhoea, amoxicillin antibiotic used to contain bacterial transmission among 18 different types of medicines are in short supply or unavailable.

Salbutamol ( 4 mg) used by asthma patients, brufen and buscopan tablets used to alleviate pain and serelaxin for eye treatment among other essential medicines have already finished, District Hospital’s Acting Chief, Dr Saroj Chandra Dahal said.

The hospital is now facing shortage of saline water and iron tablets distributed cost-free to expectant mothers. Although the government had provisioned the distribution of 72 types of medicines for free, the district hospital is barely managing 30 types of medicines.

The patients are being referred to private clinics to purchase medicines as the hospital’s drug store has drained out. Dr Dahal claimed that the medicinal dearth is a result of delayed dispatch of medicines’ tender last year.

Heart disease health camp

Under the ongoing campaign to reach out to the remotest parts for treating heart diseases, a free health camp was organized in Parbat on Saturday.

The two-day health camp aims to provide cost-free heart treatment to villagers from the far-flung areas of Dhaulagiri zone. RSS

वि.सं.२०७३ कात्तिक १४ आइतवार ०४:१५ मा प्रकाशित

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