28 Dec, Doti-As the activity of illegal excavation, theft and supply of invaluable gemstones found in Nepal continues unabated, Doti has launched a search campaign to ferret out such stones.
The Cottage and Small Industry Development Committee, Doti is spearheading the search for the priceless gemstones and has launched a three-month training to inform the public on the significance of the gemstone.
Speaking to the National News Agency (RSS), Committee Executive Director, Madhav Subedi, said such basic training – coming at a time when the country faces high level of unemployment rate – will help in boosting the living standards of the people.
Last year also the Committee had organized such a training on gemstone, which Subedi said will serve as a lesson for spreading the programme throughout the district.
Journalist Milan Pariyar shared that the lack of knowledge of the value of gemstone was sowing neglect on part of the locals with the gemstone either being smuggled to India or decaying and turning into stones, gravels and sand.
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