
‘Experience of senior citizens is national capital’

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १२ शुक्रवार



28 Sept, Kathmandu – Speakers at a programme have laid emphasis for developing the experiences of the senior citizens as the national capital.
During a programme organized by the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens on 28th International Day of Older Persons, the stakeholders and civil society organizations’ members suggested that the government should utilize the skills, capacity and experiences of the senior citizens for social development. International Day of Older Persons is being observed on October 1 by conducting various programmes.
On the occasion, Secretary of the Ministry Buddhi Bahadur Khadka said that laws are being drafted to implement the rights given to the senior citizens since the senior citizens are provided with special protection and social security as their fundamental rights ensured by the Constitution of Nepal.
On the occasion, Chairman of National Federation of Senior Citizens Madandas Shrestha opined that the senior citizens are the cultural figures and invaluable assets of the nation and their contribution should be respected for the nation’s development.
Currently, the population of elderly citizens is around 2.5 million in Nepal.

वि.सं.२०७५ असोज १२ शुक्रवार १३:१८ मा प्रकाशित

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