
Nobel Prize committee fails to get response from Bob Dylan 

वि.सं.२०७३ कात्तिक ४ बिहीवार



20 Oct, STOCKHOLM– Nearly a week after Bob Dylan was awarded Nobel Prize in literature, the prize committee has given up trying to reach the American icon for confirmation.

 “Right now we are doing nothing. I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies,” said Sara Danius, permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy on Monday.

            On Tuesday, the administrative director of the Swedish Academy Odd Zschiedrich said that “we have stopped trying — we said everything we needed to his manager and friend … but we haven’t heard anything back,” according to a CNN report.

            Thursday night, the very day that Dylan was announced the winner of the prize, he gave a concert in Las Vegas but didn’t speak a word about the award.

            When Dylan performed on Friday in the U.S. city of Coachella, once again he failed to mention the prize, although another band on the same stage congratulated Dylan on winning the award and spoke highly of his achievements.

            Dylan’s silence about the Nobel Prize puts a question mark on his appearance at the awarding ceremony in Sweden scheduled in December.

            However, Danius said she isn’t worried. “If he doesn’t want to come, he won’t come. It will be a big party in any case and the honor belongs to him.”

            But “I think he will show up,” Danius added.

            Bob Dylan was born on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota, in the United States. A productive artist, he has been awarded a number of awards for his music.

            On May 29, 2012, at the White House in Washington D.C., U.S. President Barack Obama, who called himself a fan, presented Dylan with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, which is one of the nation’s highest civilian honors.  (Xinhua)

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