
Goods worth Rs 27 billion exported

वि.सं.२०७३ माघ १ शनिवार



14 Biratnagar- Goods worth around Rs 27 billion were exported to India and the third countries from the eastern point of Nepal in the last fiscal year.

It is said that goods worth Rs 23.27 billion were exported to India and rest of the goods were sent to the third countries, according to Krishna Regmi, Chief of Trade and Exports Promotion Centre, Regional Office, Biratnagar.
Iron and iron-related goods made the highest amount of money from the exports followed by cardamom export, it is said. The office said that iron related goods worth Rs 4.80 billion were exported while cardamom worth Rs 4.60 billion were sent from the eastern point during the period.
Likewise, tea worth Rs 2.22 billion was also exported. Generally, Nepal’s organic team is exported to the third countries.
Other export items include jute bags, copper goods, plastic goods, and garments among others. The Office said that Nepal’s goods were exported to Bangladesh, Turkey, Italy, China, Bhutan, Canada, Vietnam, the UK and others.

वि.सं.२०७३ माघ १ शनिवार ११:०४ मा प्रकाशित

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