
EU releases €800 000 to support victims of floods in Nepal

वि.सं.२०७४ असोज १८ बुधवार



Kathmandu – 3rd October 2017 — In response to the widespread floods that have swept across large parts of Nepal in recent weeks, the European Union is providing €800 000 (NPR 98.5 million)in emergency relief funding to assist the most affected populations. This allocation is part of a larger regional allocation of €2 million in response to floods in South Asia.

“The countries in South Asia are facing some of their worst floods in decades, which are resulting in a large-scale humanitarian situation affecting millions. It is especially in these hard times that EU solidarity makes a difference: our support will reach those most in need and help them recover from the devastating losses they have suffered,” saidCommissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides.

EU support will provide life-saving assistance, prioritising shelter, food assistance, water and sanitation, health and protection to those affected by the floods, while restoring the safety and dignity of the most vulnerable populations. The funding will be channelled through the European Commission’s European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (ECHO).

Nepal is witnessing its worst flooding in 15 years, which is affecting almost two million people. Some 160 people lost their lives, 20 900 families are still temporarily displaced and at least 235 000houses have been damaged or completely destroyed. Because of the massive loss of livestock, people are now dependent on food distributions; however, so far these have not been sufficient to meet the basic needs of the most vulnerable population.

Since 2001, the European Union has invested over €24 million to fund Disaster Risk Reduction and preparedness programmes in Nepal, supporting – among others – initiatives such as the building of flood-resistant infrastructures and the reinforcement of Early Warning Systems.


वि.सं.२०७४ असोज १८ बुधवार ०८:३५ मा प्रकाशित

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